Would it really help if I moved house? in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Would it really help if I moved house?

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rainy100 | 21:34 Sat 29th Nov 2008 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
I live in a very small three bed, one reception room house with two growing boys aged 10 and 11. The eldest is Autistic, and the noise and children who live around us totally stress him out during the summer, winter is bearable. My partner and I are getting married in a weeks time and he will be moving in, he has his own business and we are struggling to find space for his stuff. I love my house, but hate the area due to the amount of other kids around . My son hates change so moving will be hard, but where we are can be stressfull. We need more room but lots of people live in small houses dont they! We are in a secure tenancy with housing association, but moving will double the rent we will have to pay which really we cannot afford, and tenancy wont be secure in private rent - dont want to risk more changes with autistic son. I also have a neighbour who is a friend, but for reasons I wont go into, we need to get away from her!
I really dont know what to do!!! Any opinions very gratefully received, thanks x
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I understand what you say about unsettling your son. I understand what you say about needing more space.

but you can't choose your neighbours. you could move somewhere peaceful, the neighbours might move out and you get more kids next door. you just never know...
Sounds as if there are more reasons to move than to stay. Yes, it'll be hard and your son will need time to adapt but in the long run you know you need to take that step... for a happier future.

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Would it really help if I moved house?

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