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Cream poop

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tamirra | 16:54 Thu 11th Dec 2008 | Parenting
13 Answers
Hi, my granddaughter started on whole milk just under weeks ago,now her poo is a creamy colour, she is a very very fussy eater, she never really eats proper meals as she just wont open her mouth and we are not into force feeding, would the poop colour change be down to the milk, or the non food eating. Thanks


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i can vaguely recall my sons poo being milky coloured when he was going through phases of not eating.

It wont hurt to give NHS direct a call though
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Hi Redcrx, thanks for your reply did your son become ill from the lack of food, as my grand-daughter is just over a year and still in 3/6 month old clothes, as the 6/9 months are much too big, she is under the hospital due to being under weight and now waiting to see the dietitian, but god knows what they can say or do that will get her to eat, if we cant, do you ??
That is a sign of a diet that is not containing meat and vegetables/fruit - if you are already seeing the doctor and the hospital, then you are doing the right thing. How old is your grandaughter, should she be on whole milk yet, or should she maybe be on follow on milk instead for a while if she isn't eating a balanced diet?

I only moved my kids on to cows milk when they had a good diet.
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She was 1 year on 19 Nov, hospital told us to wait until she was 1 which we did.
the problem with the follow on milks is that they have a lot of sugar in though they do give a lot of nutrients. Perhaps mix half and half.

My son was never small, even from birth. Hes 3 and is in 4-5 tops and 2-3 trousers (skinny waist).

at that age he was still pretty good at eating.

id follow the advice of the paeds on this one if your granddaughter is that small.

all the best
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Think its best really, but i also think seeing a dietician is a waste of time.
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LOL, ive just read my post again, it didn`t make much sence at the start did it, sorry about that people. xx
I would be tempted to change her back to follow on milk - both for the extra nutrients and the extra calories - There may be extra sugar in it, but as long as you brush her teeth or gums, I think that would be a better option in terms of nutrition. Try to encourage her with little snacky bits like raisins , cheese, even bits of dry cereal e.g rice crispies - you would be amazed how many calories they can pack away with just the odd little bit here and there - leave little bowls of finger foods around and dip into them yourselves, she may just start copying you. My two used to like bits of sweetcorn or peas at that age as well - even if it was only 2 or 3, it's better than nothing at all.
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Thanks Annie fo yourhelp, but everything you have advised we already do, but she still wont eat, we try feedng the dolls, everyone in the room, even the light, she wants us to feed the light, so we do, but if she is going to eat it may only bea couple of mouthfulls and that will be it. x
Its sounds like you are doing all the best things, it will maybe just take time - I wouldn't point out what it is you are doing with the snacks, just ignore her and see what she does - maybe nothing, but after a few days with no pressure or attempts to feed her, she might just go for it. My eldest was not a good feeder, we used to get him distracted with a toy (mainly jigsaws) and shovel food in when he wasn't paying attention. In retrospect, it wasn't the right thing to do, although we did stop short of force feeding. he was a bit older than your grandaughter (about 2 and a half), when we just gave up and let him be. It only took only took about a day and a half for him to voluntarily get a spoon out the drawer and tuck into my husbands spicy beans on toast. We then realised that he liked spicy food and he has never looked back.

I hope it al works out for you, I can remember how stressful it can be, and they pick up on that as well which doesn't help.
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Spicy food, yes she lves that hen we can get her to try it, i do get her dummy and pretend to go to put it into her mouth and when she opens it i shovel food in, i know its wrong and i shouln`t do it but its the only way i can see her having anything to eat, i can manage to do it a few times until she cottons on to what im doing, she`s not a norml one year old, she is a very bright lttle thing, hich makes it more difficult. Thanks again x
My son lived on breast milk alone until he was about 10 months. He refused to eat any kind of food. He is now 7 years old and very healthy.
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Oh my god really, what about the vitamins that he must have been lacking tho, and did he never look ill or under weight? what weight was he at a year old, as my grandaughter is only 17lbs at a year. Thanks

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