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another life?

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splodge24 | 18:27 Mon 11th Oct 2004 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
this may seem a bit wierd but if anyone has any answers please share them. When i was 3 years old my mum was crossing over a road with me and i started crying and telling her this is where i died. i have a vague recollection of this and can still see the image clearly in my mind of the death. My mum also recalls the incident of me claiming to have died which proves to me that it is not something that i have imagined. Can anyone explain this?


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This is really common in little kids, but the memory usually fades by the time they are about 5 or 6. My nephew told his Mum that he would be going up in the clouds and we would miss him very much. He was about 3 at the time. I have no idea where these things come from- some people say that very young kids can remember their earlier lives, and the memory soon fades. Others would just put it down to remembering nightmares. Who can tell?!
Scarlett -please tell me that your nephew DIDNT go up in the clouds....
Do you know where the road is? Maybe you could visit again, to see what reaction you have as an adult.
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zgma, i had forgotten about my experience and it was when i went to this road again that i had a similar feeling and remembered how i felt when i was young. that is the reason it has been on my mind recently. never really had anything like this happen before so been bothering me a bit.
No banana, he hasn't gone up in the clous, thank god. Let's just hope he doesn't!
can it be deja-vu??
What an interesting memory...If it were me I would start to look in local histories,find out what was the area around that road years and years ago, check with police, and see if (i know its a long shot) there is any recorded death along that road...a battle a long time ago etc....I certainly wouldn't let it go....I'd do it at a leisurely pace....a kind of part time hobby....who knows where ur investigation might lead you....
I've not felt like I died in a place before, but when I lived for those few months in florida practically every corner I'd turn I'd exclaim "this looks so familiar!" I couldn't get over it and I still wonder sometimes. I'd agree with what bluedolphin said about having a leisurely investigation. Even if you find nothing conclusive you'll atleast learn some other interesting things.
Yinzer, where in Florida?? I grew up in St. Petersburg.
when i was a kid i couldn't stand people touching my wrist (or even touching them myself), just talking about it made me feel like there was a band tightening / cutting into me, and I had the strongest feeling that my wrists were slashed. It has faded with time, but even writing this now brings up some disturbing thoughts and aching wrists. Its all very strange and there is no reason why i should feel like i've committed suicide or been attacked but i attribute it to young / developing minds trying to come to terms with stories they hear - as the young can only really understand things like pain in relation to themselves e.g. have not fully developed an empathy response to stories
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i feel a little less mad now i know others have had similar experiences! I think i will try and do what you suggested Bluedolphin and look into the history. Thanks a lot guys!

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