Hi Lilypad. I think that the best favour you can do yourself is to get yourself a correctly fitting bra. This is so important , especially as your body is still going through changes as an ill fitting bra will give you poor support and can even cause you problems such as back pain. Why not have a word with your mum or other female relative or even some female whom you feel close enough to , to discuss this problem. Ask her to go with you to be measured for a bra so that you can be sure of what size you really need and feel comfortable in wearing it. I don't know if you are resident to the UK but Marks and Spencers offer a free bra fitting service. You will probably find this service in most large department stores or lingerie retailers. All the changes you are going through are perfectly normal so try not to worry and please don't crash diet if you are worried about your weight as you could make yourself very ill. Your changing body needs a healthy diet but if you are worried about your weight , the best thing is to eat sensibly , cut out on a lot of fatty food , drink plenty of water to flush out all the toxins from your body and take regular exercise. Oh and most importantly , have fun ! Don't get too hung up about your weight. I'm sure you are smashing the way you are so go and have fun with your friends xxx