Its your resident smoker here guess i started maybe about 10 or 11....ok only about 1 or two a day, stolen from my mum or dad's ciggie packet. Dont know why i started but got to like it. I could buy single ciggies in the shop, who also used to give u a bit of a match box and a match to light it!! Been smoking ever since....started on regal red, and on to benson and hedges, regal blue and now on silk cut purple. Ive been thinking of giving them up as they are so expensive and also for health reasons but know i couldnt go cold turkey. Am gonna look into acupuncture or hypnosis to see if it could help with the cravings.
I'm sorry i ever was never down to peer pressure, just something in me to try something different, to take a risk, to appear grown up. :-O