But a professional's the only one who can make a decision about your neck pain wolf. Lots of things could be causing it, so it's best to go and have a check up if the pain doesn't lessen after a few days. Massage can help, as well as trying your pillow/s from flat to banked to see which eases you the best. Also, a warm - or cold compress might help. Then the paracetamol. If you get no joy - the docs!
Oh Gawd. Just don't let any medical monomaniac anywhere near your spine with his grappling irons and torture-chamberful of the lastest postmediaeval whizz-bang gadgetry. You may think at least the pain cannot possibly be made worse than it already is, but you learn otherwise. I was in suicidal pain for 18 mths. It's no worse than all the rest of me now, but i think that's in spite of the op rather than because of it.
I think at least you may assume that if paracetamol helps it's not neuropathic pain, and if it's muscle pain then by all means don't go to the doc.
Ice - I am going to make an appointment to see the doctor and then see how it goes. Not sure that the Paracetemol are actually doing much, but they are better than nothing. Fell asleep with ice on my shoulder/neck and it did help.
mallam - I can sympathise with what you are saying. Some times the doctors actually make things worse. I like to think that they don't do it on purpose! :-)