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How healthy?

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AniaSM | 13:09 Sun 08th Feb 2009 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
I have just bought some dried sweetened canberries and some dried blueberries. The ingredients say they also have de-flavoured pineapple syrup in there. How healthy are they as I'm eating them as a healthy snack?


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i dont think you should eat them all the time, because they contain a lot of added sugar. Although they are healthier than having a packet of crisps.
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There does seem to be a lot of sugar in them. It says 78.4g of every 100g is sugar. think I'll bin them and have a banana. Thanks J'Adore.
That does sound high in sugar, so perhaps real fruit would be better.
Just a word on the cranberries, they make you break out in spots.

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