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POT,its a fact of life!!

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cheyenne | 21:56 Sat 23rd Oct 2004 | Body & Soul
43 Answers
  • ,,how many regulars on answerbank smoke POT. are you going to be honest or do you worry about what other answerbankers think of you!!(:_
  • .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(:)


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I tried it once early on this year because I thought that at 24 I should have tried at least one illegal drug (so I can make up wild stories about my mis-spent youth!). I wasn't that impressed because I really hate smoking and I couldn't bring myself to inhale much. I found it just made me feel a bit head spinny for half an hour and then I was left with the hungry and sick feeling. I can't see how anyone could get addicted to THAT.
Pots ok and doesant contribute to crime like alcohol and other drugs as, which has already been said, it is a relaxent.  Fair play if you want to do it - never seen anyone get violent on pot.  The only reasons i stopped for are that it was killing my lungs and i didnt want to turn out like my friends that do it a lot - dappy and boring.  Please look at the facts before you condemn it as if its in the same league as heroin and coke.
secretspirit, that's exactly how I feel when I smoke, like you, I can't really see the point!
I used to quite frequently but nowadays I can't stand it.  Not for any moral reasons though, I just really don't enjoy smoking it these days.  It makes me gag and leaves my mouth ridiculously dry!
Ditto Lucas, however when I do I laugh like a mad person until I cry because I can't stop laughing, then laugh because I'm crying, then cry because I still can't stop, and so on. It must be very boring for someone sa with me who's sobre. I'm very surprised, so many people are so against it on here.
Vinne, what do you think?
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its i guess a question about being honest!!i didnt expect to many people to admit it,but there have been some interesting answers,true or not"i think the majority of people who smoke it only use it occasionaly and these people are from all walks of cant get addicted to pot,like cicarettes or sugar or salt or even worse alcohol.yes ive tried it in the pass,but im more hooked now on sugar in my coffee.
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thanks everybody for your input.(:)

used to use it semi-regularly but in my advancing years it leaves me with a dope-hangover for about 3 days - can't function properly/ brain speed set to slowwwww, but then again that�s heavy use and a big night of drinking does me just as much damage I think. Following on from other posts I don't think drugs are for losers, i think they are a personal preference, as is abstaining from drug taking... I don't think I was ever pressured to partake, or feel like I�ve pressured others into joining me. I am a bit surprised by the reaction to this post so far tho, as I was under the impression that a huge percentage of the population had experimented to some extent � but maybe this is simply due to the social groups we have around us, my social group are irregular drug users, social smokers and binge drinkers � this is what I know and am used to� I am not saying its right, its just normal for me.

I disagree vinny100, I think you can get addicted to pot. I've certainly seen some cases, and it's not pretty! And what about Justin from Hollyoaks?! (tee hee)
I used to smoke it fairly regularly but haven't done for about 5 years now as my bf doesn't like it. When I was having some fairly serious operations on my leg my consultant closed the curtain and told me that things were about to get pretty painful and pot was the best thing he could recommend to help. And indeed it did.
Georgit - I thought Vinnie was saying that you can get addictied to it, like you can be addicted to anything. Alej - Of course pot smoking is crime related, firstly weed is illegal so that's crime no 1, and people would rob, steal and shoot for weed the same way they would if they were making money from selling crack, pills or chicken soup. I assumed it was something that people my generation grew up with, I've been surprised by this post.

I used to smoke pot a reasonably amount when younger. I haven't smoked it much in the last decade, partly because I don't particularly feel the need but equally becuase I don't really know people who might have it. On the few occasions when I have been offered I've declined as often as I've accepted. Since the worst thing I've ever done on Pot is eat someone else entire loaf of bread, and very much worse on alcohol, I would argue the toss (and, without being arrogant, I would win)with anyone foolish enough to imply that pot is a 'bad' drug. The single worst thing about pot is the tobacco you smoke it with.

I don't really care what any of the Answerbankers think of me. I don't know any of them.

Don't do anything these days apart from enjoy a drink,- family, responsible job etc, even packed in smoking in Feb but in the past...ohh yes - smoked ciggies and and a weed since about 15. Trips - the best - an ex and myself used to indulge at the weekend, and I mean indulge! Mushrooms were good, but got stricnene (?) poisoning from too many, had a thing for speed for a while, and then went through the E phase in the mid 90's. Coke is a load of crap, used by people with too much money trying to impress, and anyone who gets into smack and crack is just stupid. I'm a professional man these days, as are most of my friends. They all have similar pasts and have all settled down like myself these days. 


I tried it once or twice, several years ago now, but the thickness of the smoke made me heave - it still makes me go shivery thinking about it. Not for me ta.
natalie_1982 the question is not about selling it it is about smoking it.  It is a very minor offence nowadays and areas of high use the police ignore it as there are far worse things out there.  I have never heard of anyone under the influence of pot behave in as bad a way as drunk people.  I put it doesnt contribute to crime for this reason, people that smoke it wouldnt kill or steal for it, its cheap.
As Bob Dylan said everybody get st.......... 
ooops i ment drugs are bad but as Bob Dylan said everybody get st........!!!
Then you have different smokers where you live Alej, I think it's stupid to say smoking pot is not crime related just cos it makes you a bit more chilled out than stella! I agree you'll find less violent assaults from smokers than ddrinkers probably. I didn't mean kill for an eighth or a joint, people get hurt where big amounts are concerned.
you see, I don't even know the difference between coke and crack...

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