I just found out my fiance's father caught MRSA during a stay in hospital and he is now being treated at home with antibiotics and some sort of skin lotion. My question is: do I need to see my doctor as I have had contact with my fiance's father since he came out of hospital...I have asthma and emphysema so am I more at risk of catching it than someone who is in good health?
I've got MRSA for the 5th time in a year , the oncologist said there is no chance if anyone contracting it from me, it's usually caught from touching open wounds and then not washing their hands properly so passing it on to the nexy patient, he also told me that 60% of the population carry it but it only flairs up in people who's immune systems are low.
Thank you for the advice sqad. I know little about MRSA apart from the scare stories you see on the news. I have hugged my fiance's father when he came home from hospital,he also has emphysema and was admitted with fluid on his lungs that needed draining.
I think I may phone the nurse practitioner at my GP's surgery to see if they want me to take prophylactic antibiotics.