Why are you calling it a "baby" if you've no intentions of keeping it?
your post is coming across as extremely cold and callous and I really hope it's a pi$$ take. If on the slim chance you're not having us on here, get yourself to your doctor or local family planning clinic ASAP. There are no safe "in house" methods of abortion.
before we all judge i think we need to be a bit conciderate, aftreall 1] we dont know the age of this girl 2] we dont know her curcumstances to how she got pregnant in the first place i.e. for all we know it could be a result of rape etc.
Shobna i do have to say you sound quite ill educated on the matter, there is no safe way of terminating a pregnacy at home, and if you have made the decision to end the pregnancy you need to see your gp asap. Secondly ask yourself why you dont want this baby?
I am not judging this 'girl' at all.I will stand up for every woman's right to have an abortion or not...even though I personally could not have one.
It was the callous wording of the post that has put everyone's backs up here I think,also the fact that this person wants to 'discontinue' the pregnancy in a dangerous manner.
daffy.. i don't think we should make an issue regarding the wording of this question..it's this girls situation that really matters.
shobha..i urge you to do nothing until you have sought advice from a g.p. you can only progress,in your situation,with the help of professionals.
Appreciate your sentiments gonzo, but I'd be flabbergasted if any youngster was aware of the words "in house treatment", let alone string 'em together.
But yes, agree, perhaps we all did get a bit emotive about it.
gonz00....you are spot on, I gather that she is not well educated, but what she is saying in simple terms is that she is in the early stage of pregnancy and wants an abortion.
This is a common situation which could well do without the sanctimonious comments of the above posters.
Sanctimonius is a bit harsh coming from you sqad! I admit I may have been judgemental but insults from you really don't help shobha,who I think maybe from a family who she needs to keep this 'problem' secret from.
Shobha....Try visiting your local family planning clinic if you are worried that your family doctor may tell your family about your pregnancy.
Those who would criticise the OP for the expression are missing the point. I don't think I have heard it better said.
shobha is actually acknowledging the true meaning of her decision. Left to normal course this embryo would probably become a baby.
You think "termination" is a great word instead? Visions of Arnold Scwartzeneger blowing it away?
shobha clearly has some problem with the pregnancy and clearly her request for an in house solution suggests there might be a big problem if others find out about it.
Instead of presuming it is a wind up, consider the poster could be very young. English may not be her first language. Hence perhaps awarked expression in a difficult subject for which she does not have the adequate vocabulary.
Moreover she may be from a completely different society and just perhaps this pregnancy is a threat to her life and safety. Wake up, the Net is global.
Too often I see people unnecessarily rude to posters in need. I have nothing against strong and sincere debate and criticim of ideas but I don't see the point of blasting someone who has come here for help.
Perhaps sometimes we will be answering sincerely to a wind up but just for a moment consider the effect this kind of brutal treatment would have on a genuine enquirer?
Besides the answer given to wind up might one day be an answer that helps a casual visitor who was unable to frame their question and seek advice.
wether it was intentional or not, naiveity or whatever, shobba's words DID come across as callous. I'm not backing down from my initial response just because you've decided to get offended on her behalf.