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God, my job is boring.

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jakesi | 14:52 Thu 04th Nov 2004 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
Any good ideas for a job change,something interesting that dos'nt involve sitting at a desk.Cheers.


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I think probably 90% of the people answering these posts are probably sitting at a desk, so I don't think we'll be much help!
Working with kids in some form - either kids care homes, youth offending teams or something along those lines.
Work in a bar. Its great fun
Work in a complaints dept, it really cheers you up. Seriously.
Have you thought about running as President of the United States?

Advertise in Private Eye or similar classifieds. 


 Delete as appropriate  "Young / old, fit / unfit, male / female is looking for a new challenge.  All legal things / absolutely anything considered, long or short term.  Pension plan an advantage but not essential.  Can travel.  Absolute discretion assured.  References available


I remember mum`s advice.......stick in at school, get a good education, then get a job sitting on your bum looking out the window all day.

I did all that.........ended up as a bus driver!!!!!!

Isn`t life wonderful?

Jakesi you need to think about your likes and dislikes. Think about your employment history and qualifications too. You could contact your local job centre or talk to someone at your local careers centre. Alternatively, you could sign up with a few recruitment agencies and get yourself a few short temporary jobs to see what sort you enjoy best. Good luck.

Hi Jakesi,

Sweetheart def has the best ideas.  I think at the careers centre they have a computer program that gets you to answer loads of questions (such as, do you like being outside? are you a people person?etc etc) then when you've answered them all it comes up with the most suitable jobs for you, based on your answers.  It's v good, give it a go! 

Failing that I think there's a book called Offbeat Careers: 60 ways to avoid becoming an accountant.  It has the most obscure jobs in it(guide dog teacher, clown, spy, mushroom farmer etc etc), none of which are boring.  I think it's worth you getting hold of it.

Good luck mate  : )

I think you should become a zoo keeper (only because I went to the zoo yesterday and now I don't want to be sitting at my desk either).
Fire service?

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God, my job is boring.

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