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Ladies your help please

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Chickadee | 18:21 Sun 31st May 2009 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
Okay, this is a little embarrassing but what the hell!!

I think I am going to have to go the doc's tomorrow as I may have a water infection and I just know she is going to ask me for a sample.

How the hell do you pee into the small container they give you without it going everywhere? LOL

Thanks for help.


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Oh it's quite an art :o)
Haven't you got an old jug?
Have'nt you got anything to wee in at home before you go?If you think you are going to be asked for a sample a small bottle or jar would do.
oh sorry, you think she'll ak you to do one while you're there? Why not take a sample with you to solve the problem?

oops, sorry's taking ages to submit an answer on here
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The only thing I've got is not water tight (pardon the pun).
I shall just have to be very very careful!!

Well it will go everywhere, but as long as some goes in the pot I cannot see your is only urine.

Good evening Robinia.
If you think THAT is bad try convincing your dog to do it.

I usually just wee and then try and get the bottle in the flow without soaking myself.
No....the urine has to be mid-stream and in a sterile pot.

Have you got a sterile pot?
Chickadee. If the doctor asks you to provide a urine sample while you are at the surgery, she will give you a stainless steel kidney dish to take to the loo, to use. Then you transfer the liquid into the small container. Although it is more likely she will give you the small container to take home, to follow the same procedure, and return it the next day, as it is usually the first early morning sample that is required.
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Sqad, the pot I've got is an old one that had tablets in it.

Can I sterilise it with boiling water?

And mid-stream as Sqad says.
I thought that said senile pot at 1st, squad. you can't. Do as you are told...the pot will have label on and as I said, it has to be mid stream. big deal, just go to the toilet and mid way through, put the pot in the appropriate place.
Wash your hands and give the pot +urine back to the receptionist.
carrust.....senile would be more appropriate LOL
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Okay sqad I consider myself told off!!

I will be a good girl and do as you tell me.


Good luck Chickadee.
An empty oblong icecream plastic carton is good for this as you can stand holding it between your legs,then because it has corners it's easy to transfer to a small bottle.

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Ladies your help please

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