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Scarlett | 17:12 Fri 19th Nov 2004 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
What does it mean if your periods are getting further apart? Say, from 28 days to 30 or 31 days? Is this onset of menopause?!


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Thats how my meno began,I was 50 and had always been regular. How old are you Scarlett?

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hi scarlett;

well i am 27 and it is happening to me too. i'm having ever increasing cycles and up to 43 days. GP seems to think it is stress (currently trying to concieve) although i believe there is meds you can take to regulate cycle, i'm going back to see docs again!

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Wow, 43 days... I don't have any other symptoms I don't think. It has been 29,29,29, 29, 30, 31, 32, 30, and 32 days so far this year! I'm sure it didn't used to be like this. I think I used to be a regular 28 days...
scarlett, you can get a blood test to determine if you are perimenopausal. other reasons for increasing intervals can be stress, weight loss or gain, increase in exercise, being generally  run down. My own perimenopause was heralded by a 35 day bleed!!!
scarlett ..these symptoms may go on for 5 you smoke ? they say smokers get the menopause can get tablets when the days between your periods get shorter i.e as in every other week etc,,, i know its crap its what women have to suffer..they will give you tablets then to regulate your periods..then they will start to pressure you to have a thats easy for them as you are no longer pestering them..then they start to mention hrt...i know i have been through all this as mine began early..i refused all drugs and operations..and just use herbal remedys...and i am fine..a lot better than my friends taking hrt and worrying about it...also i think all the horridble things with me lasted about 6 a search on the internet and find out as much as you can before going to the doctor the bbc have excellent medical health///keep smiling mullein
i'm 28 and havent had a period in over 3  years and the docs( all 17 specialists that i have seen) just now came up with a diagnosis.  when i had my daughter i had complications(4th degree inner tear) that my docs missed. i was discharged on a friday and saturday morning i had major problems.  couldnt see the doc until monday night.  i got a bad infection from this complication(just to help you understand without being gross, stuff that is suppossed to come out the back was continuously comming out the front. it was nasty.) and they put me on powerful antibiotics. it took 2 surgerys and 4 weeks in the hospital to get better.  that was in sept. of 2001.  i started a period in  dec. 2001.  it was normal.  then in jan. my wisdom teeth started comming in so i had to have them removed, i have a heart murmer so again powerful antibiotics. only this time i got an intesinal infection called c-diff.  which gave me the original infection back,  again, another powerful antibiotic. so now, and for the rest of my life for 10 days every month i have to have antibiotic treatments.  okay, back to my point, my docs said the antibiotics/infection killed part of my uterus so my body doesnt know i have one so i dont ovulate anymore. anyway, docs told me antibiotics can work both ways, stopping a period or just changing it a bit. so if you have been treated with any type of meds. that could be your prob. 
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I don't smoke, never have done, and don't take any drugs at all. I refuse medicine, preferring homeopathy! I know it's only 3 days a month more than usual.. Do you think, at 34, this is the start of menopause, or is it more likely to be just stress?
im 21 and once i didnt have a period for 9 months now they ok maybe its stress or menopause
no it just happens like this i used to go 2 months without a period sometimes
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Lisa76...OMG... you went thru all that! My hat is off to you!

If you don't mind my question (ignore it if you do, as it is a personal intention to offend)...Do you still have the hormonal effects of your period?? You know, PMS (God's gift to women!!), and all that...??

Again - I don't want to offend, I am just curious.......

and still crossing my legs... ;-)

Scarlett.... Have you tried some relaxation techniques....?? Try some meditation or Hypnosis over a 2 month period and see how that affects your cycles (of course AFTER you see your OB/GYN (Thank you, Answerbank Editor for reminding us that Dr's are so important for these things!!)... But as for relaxation techniques - Hey you have NOTHING to lose!!

Hope that all the plumbing gets better!! :-)

mine have been getting closer together for the last year now down to every 18-20 days instead of 28, I'm 46 and assume this is caused by menopause too, but no other symptoms as yet,

to marvin84:  unfortunately i dont get any signs of menstration.  i basically wet thru menopause the past 3 years.  its all caused by the antibiotics.  the good thing is i wont ever have to use birth control again. the bad part is i can never have any more children.  im grateful for the 2 that i have.  i guess i like doing things early. lol


Um, I don't really know, but is 2-3 days really something to worry about?  I have a friend who was complaining that her period was 6 days late and I don't think anything was wrong with her... the female aspect of her at least....

You should definetly see a doctor though, just to be on the safe side.

it could be a combination of a lot of things
ie:- are you stressed out
are you eatting properly
it could be the menopause (how old are you)
have you lose a lot of weight
Why not speak to your GP

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