Hi Tamirra,
This is taken from CAB website about time off for appointments.
Your employer may allow you time off work to visit the doctor or dentist but they are not legally required to do so unless your contract of employment says they are. Your employer can, for example, insist that you make these visits outside work hours, that you take holiday leave or that you make the time up later on. You should check your contract of employment to see what rights you have to take time off for doctors or dental appointments.
Pregnant women, however, are allowed reasonable paid time off work for ante-natal care. This time does not need to be made up later on.
If you are disabled and your employer will not let you take time off for a medical appointment connected with your disability, they could be breaking the law.
Mental health and DDA. This may come in useful for future appointments.
http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/DisabledPeople/Hea lthAndSupport/MentalHealth/DG_10023351