no lil - reason she throws "wobblies" is ... she's in the same boat as all women of that certain age - she doesn't need my help to get there.
placebo is a documented fact - but it's unpredictable also evidence that people can overcome if they look inside themselves for answers
more stats - no love - your guardian angel wouldn't understand.
grass - a very balanced piece of research - for a website selling magnetic gewgaws -
I wonder why they say magnets work and affect the iron in our blood -
hard fact - mri will rip a metal pacemaker out of your chest - but it's it's used to monitor uminterupted bloodflow
see this for alternative info ist.html
google medical uses of magnets - not many (any) results there other than equipment.
I'm not saying that mp isn't serious - don't get me wrong - the condition is real and life changing - no argument there)
bottom line is if you had something seriously wrong
would you see a doctor or a magnet?
time and time again "real" alternative medicines are shown not to work - or to be outright cons - if the power of mind is so strong (it is) why not spend effort using it directly - not convincing yourself that a stick has magic powers