Hi I keep having sleeping problems I wake several times to go to the toilet, and my eyes are very dry, my mouth is also very dry and I always have a blocked nose at night..any ideas???? Twinny
Do you think it is the symptoms that are waking you up? or are you generally a bad sleeper?
I'm not sure the going to the loo and the other symptoms are connected? But think if the room was more ventilated the eyes mouth and nose might be better.
Are you taking any medication that coudl be causing this?
I've never taken those but are the side effects causing the dry eyes, mouth etc? I'd be asking the pharmacist or go back to your gp and ask if he can change the dose or something
I've moved from a big victorian town house with the original sash windows to a small (in comparison) terrace with double glazing. I still wake up in the mornings bunged up and feeling a little sick after a year here.
hang some damp washing in the room and hour or so b4 you go to bed and put a bowl of boiling water in there, your probably waking cos of the dryness your experiencing.