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poodicat | 20:11 Mon 22nd Mar 2010 | Body & Soul
30 Answers
Do you find it easy to nod off?i dont!!


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Try reading a book Iusually wake with the book on the floor it helps to take your mind off things
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milliezoe not into books unless cookbooks will they take me to slumber lol
Yep, can fall asleep pretty much anywhere and at anytime.
The point is to to help you switch off and all of a sudden you are gone try it
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Lucky you boo
If you are not into books what about a magazine
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millie maybe fall in to asleep eventually but cant sustain it
I just think, and hum one of docspocks guitar tunes...... and i'm out for the count :0)

Happy days.
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yogi that aint nice lol
OK, here's what I do. I imagine I'm in Coronation Street. I mentally walk down the street naming who lives in each house. I'm always asleep before I reach the corner shop.
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Sorry francis dont watch soaps
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has this thread been shortened?
Just seen an advert for the times on tuesday it has a section called body and soul and tomorrow is about sleep problems might be worth trying ?
Any time anywhere, any noise with the grandchildren, I`m out like a light.
lavender oil drops on your pillow
Yep, Can nod off v/easily but sleep at night I find difficult. zzzzzzz!!

Yes - I can usually sleep anywhere, anytime, and often do.... however on those occasions when I can't, I seem not to nod off all night. Sometimes I could sleep all day, given half the chance...
soothing music?
I;ve tried all sorts the best one is making sure my bedroom and my bed look really comfy and inviting, get into bed then snuggle down, think about being on an icebound boat shivering with cold or fighting your way through a rain or snowstorm, anything like that which you can remember feeling cold wet tired gets me off after a while, Try not to think about Not being sleepy.
In answer to your q, yes I find it quite easy to nod off! I find listening to the radio helps.

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