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Aching shoulders

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Prudie | 21:28 Wed 19th May 2010 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
I've started walking in the evenings maybe only or twice a week but for about an hour or two. The routes always involve some uphill which I hate. I know I'm not very fit but why is it after these walks my neck and shoulders kill rather than my legs?
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Are you watching your posture as you are walking? Are you slouching forward as you walk uphill or carrying something which is putting strain on your neck and shoulders?
are you walking on your hands?
Maybe you're holding tension in these areas, try and be aware of your posture and relax all your muscles as much as possible (although not so much that you collapse!)
You need to swing your arms a bit as you walk. Sounds like you are too tense. I get the same when I run, have to consciously "shake my arms out" occasionally. HTH :)
I suspect that you are tensing all your muscles as you push up the hill. The leg and back ones will naturally release to a certain extent as you swing each leg forward, but poor old neck and shoulders stay hunched. Try stopping at the beginning of the hill and consciously breathing out and stretching up with your head letting your shoulders drop down...the old puppet on a string posture.Then go up the hill steadily, if you feel yourself start to hunch then stop and relax again.
Think of Michael McIntyre when he skips round the stage - that should sort it out
those folk who jog holding a water bottle make me do they get their fingers open and the elbow straight at the end??
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thanks for your answers, looks like the tension thing might be it although I'm not aware of it. Will try to think of my posture next time, sure it's the uphill bits that are causing the problem.
You sure it isnt the sand that does it?

Your link doesn`t show 4getmenot

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Aching shoulders

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