I've got a bit of a cold at the mo and for the last couple of days, I've had green snot. I've had green snot in the past and just left it and it went away. Should I pay the doc a visit or leave it to clear itself? I feel quite well in myself, not chesty or no temperature.
Aah thanks all for your answers. I would have left it personally but my hubby said it might be worth getting checked out. I got the answer I wanted lol
Coloured sputum, snot or otherwise.
Indeed green or yellow is a sign of secondary bacterial infection............the question is "Should antibiotics be used?" and the answer is, if the patient has no temperature and feels well in him/herself, then the answer is NO.
its snot/phlegm that would usually be clear. Bogies are green because they are germs that have been trapped by nostril hairs so you dont breath them in, thats why you get black bogies when you go to London.
yes, green mucous is a sign of infection, if it is streaked with blood, please go see your GP as you may need antibiotics to help clear up your infection, but healthy mucous from your nose should be clear..similar to egg white. Hope it clears up soon.