I have had trichotillomania (chronic hair pulling) for years now, my boyfriend is very supportive of me and is trying his hardest to help me stop. Are there any methods that you can think of to help with this problem?
i'd assume you have tried usual methods already? (not thqat i know what they are!). Maybe something like NLP (Neurolinguistic programming) or hypnotherapy could be of some help.
have you thought of using a substitute? I twiddle my hair and knot it and sometimes it does pull out - so I cut pieces of really hairy string and twiddle that instead. So the habit doesn't stop ( do people really know how HARD it is to stop a habit) but I channel it another way! GOOD LUCK
Thanks very much for all your advice but my problem is not the hair on my head its purely my eyelashes. Its getting to the point that i don't feel femanine anymore.
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