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Back Meds...

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krissy04 | 17:35 Sat 22nd Jan 2005 | Body & Soul
5 Answers

Does anyone know of any medications that i can pick up at a local store( In North America), to help with back grandmas back is always hurting her, and i feel soo bad and i really want to help her out...thanks everyone :)

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In the UK I get an excellent anti-inflamitory called Naprosyn which might also be known as Naproxen (250mg doze 2 x twice daily). It is specifically for back pain & was prescribed for me by my doctor, but you may be able to get it over the counter in America. Failing that good old Ibuprofen is usually pretty effective.

Try also a heat pack that goes in the microwave, the type that are long, made of fabric & contain either wheat buds or cherry stones. I find them excellent for easing pain.

Hope your Gran feels better soon . :-)


Try acupuncture and be drug free!!!x

Scarlett has mentioned trying acupunture & being drug free, I wish it was that simple. I get regular sessions of acupunture too but it still needs to be supplimented with Naprosyn.

Acupuncture also needs to be built up in your body, so it may take a few sessions to get good, long tem benefit. It is worth a try, I'm not trying to discount it.

get some rosemary essential oil and some almond oil ..put 5 drops in a teaspoon of almond oil and massage the back,,after you have done this put a warm towel accross her back under her clothes so the heat will penetrate,,you could also try chamomile tea which gently relaxes you..i havnt suggested any tablets etc as she is probably on medication and it woul be unwise..
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