Friday's menu -with vegetarian option for those, ETC Starters in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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Friday's menu -with vegetarian option for those, ETC Starters

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merciasounds | 10:08 Fri 25th Jun 2010 | Food & Drink
18 Answers
Thai style crab cakes with sweet chili dip
Melon cocktail
Mini 3 cheese souffle

Mains Chinese Style Red Mullet with toasted sesame oil, xaoxing rice wine, ginger and spring onion with pak choi served with Jasmine rice
Seafood platter: large tiger-tail prawns, squid rings, dressed crab, baby octopus cooked in red wine, scallops, and lobster tails
Grilled Gammon steak with egg or pineapple

Vegetarian 4 cheese thin crust pizza (more toppings are crispy fried onions, mixed peppers, mushrooms)
Chickpea, potato and mushroom curry pilau rice
Cabbage leaf parcels, filled with savoury rice, and quorn, served with either tomato or mushroom sauce

lemon and sultana sponge
tarte au chocolat
Blackberry, strawberry and raspberry flan

15 cheeses crackers, grapes and celery

coffee/liqueur coffee

Beers, ciders, Pimms, Sangria, Lagers, guinness all nice and cold...juice water..
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but then i'd want the pizzas but that's a lot of carbs but so is the curry with the chickpeas potatoe and rice i'd ahve the mullet then probably.

tart au chocolat of course,

sangria please.
melon seafood and cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese

Question Author
I see the fluffster is feeling better today?!! That's good!
oo yes much better lots of water and sleep later i'm back to normal and raring to go tonight!
Question Author
just give the strawberry cider a wide berth!!!
never touching the stuff again --- its on the banned list along with tequila and goldschlager, raspberry beer, absinthe, aftershocks and anything thats a weird bright colour and comes in testubes.....
Question Author
I think i shall give up these menu's nobody seems to bother anymore
Mercia you are an inspiration to a life we can only dream about. Dont give up.
I would like the crab cakes, seafood platter and straight to the cheese course. I am a bit disappointed though that you do not have a nice cold chenin blanc in the fridge. Shall I bring some?
Question Author
Actually Grasscarp, I have (or rather my hubby has!) a south african, a californian and a French Chenin blanc - which one do you want?
Not much appetite today mercia
so may I please have the
lab cocktail folloowed by a lotte latte
Caught me on a picky day, so just the Pizza please. Don't give up Nooo!!!
A south African please, in memory of a dear friend now gone to a better place. We always used to share a bottle of South African Chenin Blanc in a Coventry pub whenever I was up that way. Many thanks to you and your husband!
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ttfn - message for you : woof, woofwoofwoof, woof, woofity woofwoof, woof. with love, Paddy, Jet and Ben. Lotte sends a big wet kiss!
Please shake paws with each of them for me mercia - it's a sound I miss (:-))
Hi Mercia,

Thai crabcakes
vegetarian pizza
and the tarte au chocolate! YUM!
Hello Mercia,
Today i made the chicken,ham and mushroom cannelloni,my husband and family thought it was delicious.
Thank you for the recipe xx Eloisey
I'll have the crab cakes and the mullet please - but can I leave it til tomorrow, bit late in the evening to eat now!
Question Author
Thanks Eloisey - I'm glad they liked it, and thank you for getting back to me!!

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Friday's menu -with vegetarian option for those, ETC Starters

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