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Advice please....

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Amber-Rose | 19:07 Sat 24th Jul 2010 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
...I am 40 and single :-( I am ready for a baby. I appreciate I won't be able to get pregnant on the NHS, so can anybody point me in the right direction please. Would I be best contacting a Fertility Clinic? Thank you. x


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Go to your G.P.
I think different area's have different rules with regard to fertility, there are some good websites out there that can give you advice
There are websites which can put you in touch with sperm donors - some want contact with any potential children, some don't. I'm not sure how on the ball they are with HIV screening etc, but try googling sperm donors and use some common sense. Good luck x
There is another method!!

ok I wii keep gob shut :-(
All the luck in the world amber-rose....I left it too late and always regretted it

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