i had an overactive thyroid when i was in australia 40 years ago,they wanted to operate but i decided no way and came home instead,at that time i was on neomercazole about 6 tabs a day,my dosage was going up and down til they got it right,however 2 years later they decided to operate again i was getting all prepared,i had to drink iodine with milk a few weeks before,the week i was due to go in for my op i fell pregnant,so op cancelled again,i took the tabs again,a couple of years later the specialist cut my dosage right down and finally stopped.i havent had to take another tablet since,i still get yearly blood checks and have been told if it comes back it will be the opposite of what it was,(it will be underactive) but let me tell you i felt really good and they did keep an eye on me,good luck and DONT WORRY.