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cassimer | 11:01 Tue 08th Feb 2005 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
If i dont eat any fish, is there a supplement I should be taking to replace all the important vitamins and oils? or other foods?


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I take Omega 3 Fish Oil Concentrate - one a day.

You can pay megabucks in Boots chemist or better deals in Holland & Barrett.

Yea, omega 3 is found in oily fish and has a lot of good press lately - billed as food for the brain.

At least 1000mg per day...
Oh yes, I take a 1000mg capsule per day!
Me too. They're supposed to be good for mild depression, too.
Eat one tin of John West Skippers a week - 79p.
Question Author
If i ate fish i wouldnt ask the question!

Thanks for the answers - will investigate tablets tomorrow!
cassimer, your question said "If I don't eat any fish ..." not "I don't eat any fish ...).

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