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Sneezing again....

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natalie_1982 | 15:11 Tue 08th Feb 2005 | Body & Soul
9 Answers

After reading the question and responses to the sneezing/ bright light dilemma I thought I'd see if anyone could help with my sneezing quandary.

When I pluck my eyebrows, specifically the bit under your brow closest to your nose, it makes me sneeze - why?



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I get this also when I run a comb over a certain part of my head.  I'm sure it's some nerve ending hooked up to the wrong part of brain or something.
For as long as I can remember, I've been able to make myself sneeze by scratching my forehead, just above my temples. I've always wondered how this happens and have never heard of anyone else with the same strange thing (until now)!!
What happens if you scratch your bum?
I sneeze when I pluck my eyebrows too! Sorry, no help as to the reason why though :-)
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landie you've got worms.

Good, I think I'll go fishing, haven't had the rods out for a while!
Iandie, you crack me up!!
Sorry I meant Angling!

Yep, I do too, glad t hear I'm not the only one! 

I found this site which explains it apparently plucking your eyebrows stimulates the 'sneezing centre' according to this guy! 

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Sneezing again....

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