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wet the bed

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4getmenot | 08:39 Wed 25th Aug 2010 | Body & Soul
100 Answers
Has anyone experienced female ejaculation, if so how much came out, is it usual to soak to bed sheets?


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Why don't you read the links provided, poodicat ?
It looks like you might learn something..........
Question Author
No poodi its female ejaculation, read the first link, will explain all there x
Usual nasty stuff provided by you night...
I wouldn't call it an aftermath poodi, rather a duringmath ;-))))
PS that wiki link looks really useful, I will read it - lottie, you're not the only one wondering where it comes from.... (and why you don't notice it wherever it lurks when you're not doing it...)
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during maths, oh no was never that naughty at school, waited till break time :-)
Been at work,dont sit on my elbow all day with nothing else to do but be nasty,thanks forget,and boxtops...
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Now now this is a fun post. :-) Now you know poodi. :-)
Which has 'what' to do with anything, exactly ?
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Pleaaaaaaaaaaase stop :-(
who's being nasty poodi? - and I've been at work all day too.... not sure what (or who) you are getting at, there....
Poodi, try and not be an ass hole all your life eh... you just might squirt something.
Night,have work tomorrow,cos i pay for others to sit around and make sarky remarks,through my taxes,sorry 4getmenot...
..and so do I pay my taxes, poodi, according to the payslip I got today, this was an interesting female thread, what has going to work got to do with anything at all?
^^^ Wow. Witty come back. Almost factual.
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your taxes are probably paying my JSA thankyou, lol night
How extraordinary - join a thread late, get wrong end of stick, *** off, leave. Anyway, to return to the subject in hand.... why does nobody normally talk about things like things, I wish they would, but to be honest it's not a subject I could openly broach even with my close friends. So how do we know....?
^^ that said sl@g btw
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Because of people like me :-)
Erm..... well I talk about it boxy.... Admittedly not with my nearest and dearest. It's the sort of thing you only talk about and is relevant to your partner though in my opinion.

I do think the original poster could have posted in a more pleasing mannerr though (sorry 4get but I do think that).

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