Talking to my family, listening to music, going to bed early to read for hours with my wife next to me doing the same - no conversation, just knowing she's there is enough.
2 pints of larger, a good old moan to whoever will listen (preferably followed with some sympathy) then dinner in front of inane telly where i don't have to think.
I'm with hectic & Obonio on this one! With the addition of a little off-loading about the day to the friends in the pub. Know when to stop, though, and be prepared to listen to theirs in return!
Just got the ideal thing for this a jacuzzi bath and sauna in a wet room, coupled with a glass o red! and sitting in front of the fire watching a film.
Just a cup of tea and a biscuit really. I can make tea at work, but I never enjoy it in the same way. And I do find myself playing a worrying amount of Tetris.
Sad I know but has to be the gym, be it a meditation class (me time) or swim and a jacuzzi or, depending on how much waking up I need, taking out my frustration in a dance/body combat class.