Sometimes (well, often actually) when I wake up and get out of bed, i get really bad cramp in my lower calf, after i;ve taken a couple of steps out of bed. It then hurts like i've pulled it all day and i feel like i need to stretch it all the time. Does anyone else get this weirdy cramp or know why i am?
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I used to get this a lot. I mentioned it to my doctor and he told me to eat a banana every day (something to do with the potassium content). It worked but I did get a bit sick of bananas! But now I just have 1or 2 every week and I haven't had cramp for a long time.
If you get it in bed, as I sometimes do, my doctor said to flex your foot. Your calf will still hurt during the day after a calf cramp but that should at least stop it at the moment. Also, the banana and salt suggestions should help.
i suffered really bad leg cramps when i was pregnant and my midwife told me to eat a packet of ready salted crisps and drink a glass of soda water each night before going to bed.
Hi Becks, I had the same thing and was told that it could be too much salt in the diet! Also I was told that I needed to boost the levels of potassium in my diet. Bananas as previously mentioned are a good source, also tomatoes. Since I followed this advice I've not had the problem since, (touch wood!!). Hope this helps.
I used to wake up in the middle of the night with horrible cramp in my calves. I was also told that it was a lack of salt in my diet. I hadn't heard the banana theory, but thinking about it, I haven't had cramp for a while, & I've been having a banana smoothie for breakfast most days!