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Red Clover?

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~posy~ | 18:02 Mon 20th Dec 2010 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
Hi, My Mother in Law has been advised by her GP to take Red Clover to help reduce her menopausal symptoms while she can't take HRT. I have googled it and found it comes in various different forms. I was just wondering if anybody takes/has taken it and in what form. Any advice/help gratefully appreciated.
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I took tablets, cost a fortune and no use whatsoever...sorry...not sure there is clinical evidence for its effectiveness either.
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Many thanks for your answer, Woofgang.
BLACK COHOSH is a lot better.
didn't find that that worked either but at least its cheaper.

I have found this stuff helpful but again there is no research evidence for it.

it doesn't stop the symptoms all together but it takes the edge off the worst ones.
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Many thanks for your help xXx
I bought some Red Clover drops when i was going thru menopause. I took some on the Friday although I think I may have put too many drops into the water. By the Saturday I was having violent nosebleeds (can you have violent nosebleeds ? Anyway you know what I mean) .. eventually I had to go by ambulance to hospital as they wouldn't stop. Eventually my nose was cauterised. I read the leafet with the Red Clover .. can cause internal bleeding. Dont take them !!
I tried agnus castus too which didn't work.
Stuff which did work to manage the symptoms.
change over to natural fibre clothing so far as possible
limit caffeine
increase liquid intake
cool showers as opposed to hot baths (and I used to love a hot wallow)
manage stress where you can
I tried giving up alcohol which made no difference (and still doesn't I am now virtually TT for other, non health related reasons)
dress in layers so you can shed them and put them back on as needed.

The other thing i tried was soya milk but it tastes like pond water :-P
I love soya milk ! Unsweetened on cereal and in tea. Curdles in coffee tho.

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