Hello! I've had CTS for just over three years now, I kept telling myself it'll just go but annoying, it gradually got so bad I was having problems sleeping, writing on the board at work - the pen would fly out of my hands, holding a pan when cooking, just general devery day tasks became a challenge. The pins and needles and the numbness became second nature but I couldn't stand the shooting pains any longer.
I went to see my GP, who explained the possible cures/ways to cope with it. They sent me for a nerve test - can't remember the name of it, which showed that it definitely was CTS. Then I had to make the choice of wearing splits - mostly at bed time (serious passion killers) having steroids injections in my wrists or going straight for the op.
I decided to take the long route and tried the splits for three months - they did stop the shooting pains during the night but had little affect otherwise, next, I went for the injections, they've helped it a great deal but they're supposed to last around twelve months. I had mine done in October and it's wearing off fast! So I guess there's only one thing left.
I'd say go have a chat with your GP and see which is the best option for you. Good luck!