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How do you sleep?

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tinkerbell23 | 01:43 Tue 01st Mar 2011 | Body & Soul
54 Answers
Not great i have crazy dreams
Face down , one arm under pillow, one leg out the bed, occasionally on my side!
Usually a small doggie at my feet LOL but apart from that alone!
Need window open no matter the weather- on a memory foam matress

And im obsessed with clean sheets...aaaaaah



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I sleep wrapped up like a worm, and once asleep don't often move a muscle till morning,sometimes I wake with my hand on top and the blood has rushed out leaving my hand numb, I sleep best with the tv on, on at least till I fall asleep, I talk constantly in my sleep, usually things on my mind, I answer the phone in my mind, have whole discussions in my mind or with bf in real time, I say things from films, after watching bad boys to a sat right up in bed and shouted "bullet in the ass"
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Hahahaha BRILL hahaha...i had a dead hand this morn! I also out the tv on "sleep" mode, usually have to read before ill sleep....can be known to snore if mega tired too haha xx
Your question reminds me of what the commuters used to ask me when, for the umpteenth time, I'd just authorised the despatch of the mainline train to London two minutes before their branch line connection arrived at our station (thus making them late for work, yet again, and costing them lots of money): "How do you sleep at night, pal?" ;-)

It often takes me several hours to get to sleep. I've never been able to sleep face down (and I fail to understand how anyone can). I also find it hard to sleep on my back. It has to be on my side, but then my hip will start aching, or there will be some other niggling pain to annoy me. When I finally get to sleep, I'm hoping for some good nightmares! (I enjoy waking up, utterly terrified, and covered in sweat, in the same way that some people love fearsome fun fair rides - which I would never go on!).

The neighbour's cat will sometimes sleep at the foot of my bed but, more often, she'll turn up at some horrid hour and start miaowing for food and/or fuss. (My name for her is 'Noisy', with good reason). Irrespective of the cat's presence (or lack of it) I rarely sleep for more than 2 hours without waking. (When I was younger I used to only sleep for around 10 hours per week, usually going for 2 or 3 days without sleep, but I can no longer manage that quite so easily!).

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Really buenchico!? I need my sleep! I love snoozing during the day aswell! Love falling asleep on couch...if im on a couch i need a blanket!

Well not so much face in pillow...i tilt my head but body is chest down

Thats not alot of sleep...i can sleep 12h easily ESPECIALLY with hangover x
Yes Chris I too have grown out of my child hood sleeping problems, if only partly, I did sleep walk, my parents entered my bedroom to find I had opened my wardrobe doors and was climbing up the shelves, if didn't last thank god, would have been a good excuse in uni halls of residence though...I think I still sit up in bed while asleep but to lazy to move, and what with me usually feeling cold I don't like leaving the covers.
lol after a stressful day at work I can see me taking up sleep walking again and Chris finds me at the end of this bed being 'noisy' spouting ab nonsense lol ...ow nice slippers Chris
I'm just pleased if I can get to sleep as I've suffered with insomnia for the last 30 years. Unfortunately if I do sleep I dream a lot and consequently I'm knackered most mornings. At least since I retired I can have a nap in the afternoon if needed...........
That's odd! I feel tired if I've NOT dremed a lot!

What . . .the?
Having read your posts, I'm sure that I'm going to be having some VERY strange dreams tonight ;-)
Sleep? I vaguely remember that...
lol .....

Off to wash the dishes and then go to's late but I'm a night not morning person

Night guys,
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Its the dreaming alot that makes me feel sooo sluggsh next day :0(
I sleep alone too Tink. I prefer it that way.Even my kingsize isn't big enough to have someone else in it for me. I used to sleep on my front with my arms by my side but I can't seem to do that since having Lt Tiggs. I sleep on my side with my feet tucked up as they are always cold down the end of the bed and my fur balls aren't allowed in my bedroom anymore :o(

I mentioned this on another thread last night but since watching the Tudors the weekend before last, I've been having nightmares!
Because I have sleep apnea, I am permanently tired, so i can literally sleep anywhere at any time. i can 'will' myself into sleep in any position, with any amount of noise or distraction.

Because I have a seriously vivid imagination, coupled with depression, my dreams are frequent, vivid, and sureal, so i like sleeping in the day because i dream less.

I sleep on my right side - if i sleep on my left, my tummy rumbles after every third breath, no matter how quickly or slowly i breathe.

I am a psychologist's career - come and get me if you wish ...
Andy, you could be describing me, except for the sleep apneda. I didn't sleep last night except for a couple of hours with nightmares. Can always sleep better during the day with far less vivid dreaming. People think I am seriously weird and often mistake me as being lazy for daytime sleeping. It is simply because I can't get restful sleep at night.

We shall have to get together!!!! ;o)
I got up at 3.00 am and departed to the spare bedroom last night because I knew I was disturbing Mr LL who had to be up very early. I had even worse dreams and I never want to try and sleep in a single bed again. I need a King size to myself. I will have the opportunity tonight - he is away.
at the moment i sleep fine, although at some point in the night daughter two ends up curled around my legs, and daughter one is upside down with her feet in my face and toesup my nose. they could be there for hourse before i notice, often the wife has removed them 3 times before i even stir.
Funnily enough Ankou when my son was little and used to come into bed with us and sleep. I really slept quite well - it lessened my anxiety and relaxed me. There was something so lovely about him tucking in with us.
I am sleeping really badly at the moment, no idea why.

My preferred sleeping position is on my front, head tilted to the left with one arm tucked under the pillow and one leg outside the duvet for temperature control.

And a window open is absolutely mandatory. Clean sheets are my Desert Island luxury, every night.

I'm achieving all these things but the last week or two my sleep has been really badly disturbed.

I am really hoping I settle back into my normal routine as I have a lot of work on and don't want to be a crotchety old cow!
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Eccles you and i are similar...i keep stripping off cos im too hot hahah no joke! Its terrible! I woke up in the scud this morn mega early and got dressed again and back to sleep hahahahahahh x
I have very vivid dreams and don't really find sleep very mentally rejuvenating. Very rare I sleep thru. I find deep breathing helps if I can't sleep.

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