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Amitriptyline for pain?

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Scarlett | 22:19 Thu 10th Mar 2011 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
My rheumatologist has just prescribed me this (10mg per day) for joint pain/arthritis caused by ulcerative colitis. I usually just endure pain every day- paracetamol if pushed, and my joint pain is more sudden if the joint 'gives way'. At rest, I don't have much pain. I read that it is used as an anti-depressant, and am rather worried about using it.
Has anyone else used this drug for pain/arthritis/auto-immune things? How did you find it?


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Not personally but the chap who does our decorating has been on it long term for chronic back pain. He says it changed his life.
it also it a pain agent - it resets your pain thermostat so you pain threshold is higher in very basic terms. the ad dose is 2-7 times higher than that
I had pain in my jaw and it kept clicking out of place, the pain was dreadful. I took AM and like you was sceptical, the relief was wonderful. I took mine at night as it can make you drowsy. Give it a go, pain free gives you a new outlook on life.
Yep, they have had me on it (both gastro and rhumo consultants kept recommending it to me) and I have to say it was pretty good.

Took me a while to try it after having a bad experience with a high dose years ago but said I'd at least try it in the end.

I came off it a while back (with other stuff) as I was sick of feeling so drugged up all the time (with all the other meds and them being put up) though I have to say I'm definitely considering going back on. I've been trying to get by but I'm starting to think it's time to get back on the meds as I'm in so much pain so much of the time.
I haven't used this drug, but it is used for pain and is very effective.
The dose as an antidepressant is much much higher (150mg per day).
It has been on the market for many years now.
It certainly does NOT mean that your Dr thinks you are depressed, 10mg would not touch depression and in any case there are much newer antidepressants on the market that are preferred now.
Try not to worry. Speak to your pharmacist, they will put any fears you have to rest and they're always on the end of a phone.
Hope you feel better soon.
Mrs. Wak has just been prescribed this for neuralgia this week and is to take the 10mg. each night for a week and then increase the dose by another 10mg each week until the side effects are worse than the pain. Sounds a bit like a balancing act to me!
The leaflet is a bit of dire reading but if you are not depressed at all I wouldn't worry too much. I assume our doctor knows what she is doing after all that time spent at Univ.
I agree with the drowsy thing too, I would take mine last thing at night though would find it a lot harder getting up and getting going in the mornings.
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Yes, it's the side effects that worry me really. I guess they go away if you stop taking it? Maybe if I took it in the evening I wouldn't get the same sort of 'hangover' as you got, Jenna?
Yes, I am on it at the moment for osteoarthritis, I have cervical spondylosis and because of pain in my shoulders and arms kept waking in the night. I take 10mg two hours before bedtime and thank goodness for them as at last I am sleeping through the night. I used to be up two or three times a night, having cups of tea or just reading. I am on naxofren (anti inflammatory) and tramadol (pain killers) also. Good grief, I swear I do rattle if you shake me. Hope you get on alright with them, it is a very low dose as stated by others on this thread.
I am also on these for muscle spasm that I get in my back. Just 10mg a night or if it's really bad then I up it to 20mg. No side effects that I have noticed. Been on them for six months now and they really have made a difference.
I take these for problems with my neck caused by scarring. Normal tablets like paracetamol and ibuprofen didn't touch the pain but I have found these to be really good.

I take 10mg a day about three hours before I go to bed. Any later and I find I am a bit zombie like the next day.
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Great- that's very interesting. I will give them a go and see what happens. Do you know how long you had to take them for before they started working? I usually stop taking a drug at the first sign of a side-effect, but guess I ought to persevere really..
Wak, use of most strong pain relief is always a balancing act....its good that Mr W's doc has been upfront about it and given him the power to sort his meds himself instead of going the "we know best" route
Woofgang, Mrs. Wak has been taking the pill just before going to bed but, after reading some of the above info, I'll suggest that she takes it a couple of hours before bed time to give it a chance to kick in. Maybe we'll both get a better sleep??
Apologies for the gender mix up Mr Wak
No problem at all. At the moment I'm chief cook and bottle washer so I may be showing my feminine side at bit, anyway!!
Mine started working straight away. The first night I took one, I had a great nights sleep, I had fogotten what one of those was.

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