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CailinDeas | 15:24 Fri 11th Mar 2011 | Body & Soul
61 Answers
Have any of you agreed to be organ donors in the future? What are your thoughts on the matter?


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Compulsory or 'opt out'. (imo)
Yep. I think we should have an 'opt out' system rather than an 'opt in'
I agree ummmm. Not much pointing in burying them in the ground if people need them.
ditto naz and ummmm. they can have whatever's useful - but there may not be much that is! my oh is vehemently against; due to his religious upbringing as a jw. scarred him for life...x
I can't, I only have a trusty old upright (piano, that is)
agreed. my daughter even put herself on the organ register and I was mighty proud of her :o)
They can have whatever they want. They'll probably skip the lungs though. My Grandad donated his whole body to Oxford Uni for research once he died, I'd like to do that.
I'm on the list since a good friend of mine had a heart tranplant last year aged 28. That really brings it home.

I agree there should be an opt out rather than opt in. A saw an new advert recently with a slogan along the lines ' if you'd accept an organ from someone why wouldn't you donate one' which kind of says it all really.
I have worked in the NHS and am not totally convinced that brain death is always that so am not totally for being a donor. If the system was opt out then for the moment I would...that doesn't mean that I might not opt in at a later date.
What did get up my nose was two jag's rash comment that "organs are a national resource"
My friend was in a serious accident and was in a coma for a long time. His parents were advised on numerous occasions that he was brain dead and they should turn the machines off. He pulled through.
umm I have known of similar cases myself
ummmm/wolfang....they are the exceptions to the rule and what sort of life are they now living and at what cost to the state?

Organs for transplant are in short supply and people are dying for the want of an organ that may give them normal life.
He's dead now Sqad. He committed suicide a few years back. I believe depression due to his brain injury.

Still wouldn't make me 'opt out' though...
yes indeed Sqad but I don't think its okay to play the odds "Let us chop up your son/daughter/husband/wife because we are probably right that they are brain dead"
I'm on the register, and I agree that we should have the European system - you are a donor automatically, unless you opt out.

Take the bits you can use, and pop the rest in a skip.
ummmm....what about if you or any of your family needed a transplant?
so am I Andy,

<<<<<<Let us chop up your son/daughter/husband/wife because we are probably right that they are brain dead"<<<<

Not like you to use such emotive terms. again. I said I wouldn't 'opt out'....I think we should have a system in place that you have to 'opt out' of rather than 'opt in'

I have a donor card...
Worked in a transplant unit... have made my own card saying I don't want a transplant if I am unable to give consent at the time even if it was the only thing that would save my life... neither would I want to be a donor. My family are aware of this.

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