Ladyalex, I know you are in Scotland but I am amazed that you have had no reply to your complaint.
In England and Wales there is a laid down procedure, piccadilly - each practice has a complaints manager and once they receive your complaint (written in best) they must acknowledge it and then reply to say they will investigate and come back to you within a set period of time. If that doesn't satisfy you then you escalate the claim to the Independent Claims Advisory Service.
have a look here re process
You might find your local PALS service at your local Primary Care Trust will help you , they are skilled in this sort of subject and are very helpful.
However - for some time, the arrangement with GPs is that you have a right to see A GP in 48 hours, not your GP of choice - that hasn't been the option for a while. Depends on what you need to see them for, but you could always ask to see the nurse instead.
I do endorse what salla and others say though - complaints when justified are well-made, but most people would be amazed how much flak and rudeness GP staff have to put up with on a daily basis.