First Date, is he interested ??? in The AnswerBank: Relationships & Dating
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First Date, is he interested ???

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pinkchick06 | 11:59 Mon 09th May 2011 | Relationships & Dating
63 Answers
I went on a date thursday night. We met through a dating website but discovered he only lived 5 minutes away from each other. Anyway, we have been chatting a few weeks and got on like a house on fire. He asked me to go for a drink last minute thursday night, I was abit hesitant as didn't wana look desperate or anything but agreed. He took me to a pub which we both haven't been in before (I asked not to go local, he wanted to) we didn't stay long. When we drove back we talked about all sorts and he kept saying he loved my positive outlook on life. He also said he felt as ease and very relaxed around me which was good, A few times he also wanted to tell me he wasn't looking for a one night stand he actually wanted a relationship.

We ended up back at his, lying on his bed (no tele in the living room of his flat) watching Kymatica on youtube. He casually asked me could I do an indian head massage on him, I said no, 10 minutes late he asked me to do a hand massage I again said no. Then he asked me to tickle his back, I ended up doing it. It was funny. I may state that at no point neither of us where put in a situation on any sexual level. He kept putting his hand on me like in an affectionate way.

He gave me a big hug and kissed me on the cheek goodnight. He's been away for the weekend visiting his daughter and I've been busy too. I haven't text him and I haven't heard from him. We didn't mention another date so I'm not too sure? Guess it's a waiting game.

He is exactly my type and he seems like a lovely guy. Hes 10 years older than me, hes an aries and Im a sagitarrius.

What do we think??? xxx
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a 'hand massage' is that something to do with massaging hands or using hands to massage something!
12:34 Mon 09th May 2011
Did you get a delivery message ? His phone could be broken or out of charge...I would give it another day to respond, its hellish waiting but you dont have a choice...dont text him again though and just get on with your own life...its his loss Pinkchick...if you still dont receive a reply then I would text him telling him how ignorant he is and that you thought better of him than this and a simple thanks for wasting your valuable time...then leave it at that lol.
you deserve better than that i wouldnt give him the satisfaction of texting him again to tell him he is ignorant. cos hey that would imply you are bothered and you have better things to do than waste your time being bothered about him, such as finding the man out there who actually is worth the bother. however there could be a very good reason he has not been in touch, family probs for example, but you have made the first move this time so its up to him to make the next move.
Noooo, god no! Don't text him again with anything horrible if he doesn't reply. You'll have burnt your bridges if there was a genuine reason (whatever it may be) and if there isn't, you'll just prove to him he did the right thing not returning the last text!
absolutely. anyway all that matters is that you are o.k pinkchick. you are o.k arent you?
Hold on a minute - you texted him about half 5? Give the man a chance! I often don't hear my phone and it can be hours and hours before I realise someone has texted me. Or he could be working/driving/otherwise busy and can't reply. Maybe he has a PAYG phone and has no credit, maybe his battery has died. Maybe he is doing what you were doing and biding his time because he doesn't want to look desperate. Get on with whatever you would normally be doing and he'll reply when he's good and ready. Tbh you are starting to sound a little desperate - no guy is worth that. Chin up Pinkchick - if it's right it's right, no matter how long he takes to reply x
i think thats rather unfair karen! its not desperation, pinkchick has had a rough time in the past and was just asking for advice.
I didn't mean it to sound that way! I now she is not desperate - just that by stressing over the fact he hadn't replied with in an hour she was starting to sound it, and I know she's better than that. Sorry if you felt I was having a go Pinkchick, it wasn't intended that way. x
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Hey guys!! haha just logged on after being 'blackberry less' if that makes sense? Anyway, little update. I went to his tuesday night very unplanned like (his suggestion not mine) we spend a while cuddling and kissing as you do!! He also said a few things which put things clearer in my mind. He said he couldn't 'handle' anything too serious just yet, only because he felt women nagged alot. We did agree to see how it went like, no pressure. He was very open and honest with me, stated he wasn't in a position to use me and he wasn't like that. I'm not too sure whether this was a barrier because I said surely if he just wanted one thing rather than being 'polite' and cuddling etc like a 'real' couple he would of got his leg over so to speak and not bothered any further??? I asked if he had been hurt in the past he said 'yeh but that was 5 years ago' I also said it didn't matter about time you never forget the hurt caused. From what we discussed (several hours worth) he's met some right cranks in the past who have been possesive or just plain weird. On a serious note I am expecting him to say 'lets be friends' which is cool with me as long as he's honest. He also said he didn't see himself having anymore kids (he's got 1 I've got one) and also he couldn't see himself getting married, I think it's because he's scared of being hurt. Don't get me wrong I've been through the mill when it comes to men I've been there done it etc. I do feel he isn't ya typical 'player' Please don't slate me because I only asked for advice I don't mind opinions but don't be hurtful especially when you don't know me...x
Pink, was that last bit aimed at me? If it was I really didn't mean to sound like I was slating you - I can't really put it into words. I've been in your position, and sometimes when Ive not been sure where I stand I tend to get a little obsessive - not about the guy, but just about not getting any answers. But I know sometimes this has come across as being needy or desperate when that hasn't been the case at all. All I meant was that you were overthinking things and it could lead to him getting the wrong impression. I really hope I didn't offend you and I'm glad you heard back and have more of an idea of what's happening. I hope it all goes well for you x
The one thing that I would worry about is he seems to be making the rules really early on...he obviously has 'issues' and these might become more problematic over time... tread carefully but enjoy the good bits
I may be a bit old fashioned!...........but I would wait for him to contact me!........wouldn't want to appear desperate!..........
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Yeh I think we all have issues of some sort when it comes to relationships. I'm not being big headed but I always seem to have alot of male attention. I just would like a permanent boyf (not in a desperate way thou!!) yeh your right he does seem like he wants to be in 'control' but its 50/50 all the way. This dating malarky is bloody hard!! All the does and dont's etc... We'll see then!! I've just started a new job role within the airports so I have plenty of eye candy to keep me occupied!! I hope none of you think I'm desperate or sad for wanting a boyf, I've been single 2 years after a very messy break up. Anyway, goodnight peeps!! I'll keep you all updated, especially if I get the 'friends' text!! Lol xxxxxxxxxx
he wants his cake and eat it......i dont bame him
I expect the line will be 'It's not you it's me' when it comes

Move on and find someone who actually wants you
I hope it works out for you, my pal has found Mr Right on a dating site but she met some awful guys on the way, this man sounds nice but maybe he has other ladies lined up to meet as well ? if it was me I would back off and wait for him to call but if I was you I would play it by ear so to speak. Good luck anyway.
At least he is being honest with you..right from the start. My only thought is, that at some point down the line you start to have strong feelings for him it's only natural that you'll want to take things further. Yet he's kind of made it clear that, that might not be an option for him. Hope it goes well for you whatever happens.
thats excellent pinkchick you've been in touch. clearly he likes you he seems to have opened up to you. just take it slow and enjoy how it works out and just make sure you have your cake and eat it too. has to be compromises on both sides so dont be afraid to voice your needs too, he is not the only one who has been hurt before! x x
and hey actually whos to say if things work out for both of you he may change his mind about committing to you or having more children. its rather early on to make a big decision like 'never'. just make sure you're comfortable with everything in this relationship. dont be taking any Sugar from no one. x x
Common then! Get into it (relationship) as what I know is that aries and sagitarrius can make best of couple ever and that both of these (Aries and sagi) never cheat and make a long lasting relationship. Even I know so many aries and found that these guys are really good and respectful. Reliable too! Besties :)
star signs....what a load of rubish.....tea bags next omg

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