He's a darling but he wears horrible scruffy clothes all day (I work from home, he doesn't work, so I see him off & on all day). He's happy to dress in clean, presentable clothes when we go anywhere, and looks lovely then, but if it's just ME who sees him, he can't be bothered. I've tried talking to him about it, and explaining that it's me who takes the most interest in how he looks, not other people. I've tried flattering him when he's well-dressed. I've tried buying him clothes. But day after day, there he is in the same scruffy t-shirt. The same one. Every day [clenched teeth]. I don't need him to dress like a model, just not like a tramp.
Throw all old clothes that you don't want him seen that he dress up. Tell him that he need to be conscious of what he looks. Media URL: http://www.menshealthinstitute.org/blog/ Description: