\\\\While 25% admit to having lied about something important, 42% say they do not think they will get caught out - but many have still suffered with sleepless nights, mood swings and constant guilt because of it.\\
There are definitely things about me that Mr P doesn't know. I just don't think he needs to know stuff like how many boyfriends I had before him, or the balance of my savings account.
Meeting relatively later in life, we both decided not to talk about things which happened before we met, unless it was relevant to our current relationship. Sometimes we do, sometimes we just haven't. I wouldn't call the non-discussed things "secrets".
gness, he really has no interest in the household finances at all, so I would have to give him a map and a compass to find it! And it's "hidden" in the laundry room so he would probably struggle to locate the room.
boxy, I like the term "non-discussed things". I think all things pre-relationship should only be disclosed on a need to know basis.
For instance, I will only tell Mr P about an ex if we bump into him, or cross paths somehow and I feel it only right to give Mr P the heads up to prevent any embarrassment on his part.
I have secrets that I keep from my oh. There are the ones from before I met him that I consider none of his business and wouldn't benefit anyone if I told him.
Depends what you are keeping from them joeluke. If you are having an affair for example you should man up and leave her so that she can find a better partner for herself.