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Other Half Or Partner Arrgh!

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Henrietta | 11:39 Thu 11th Sep 2014 | Relationships & Dating
58 Answers
Is it me or does "oh" sound clingy and needy? Like I'm only a half but then my other half makes me whole but if their not there I go back to being only half again.

It sounds slightly like the person is down grading themselves. My friend uses that term and it drives me nuts as she can't see what I'm saying.

The other term is "Partner" When someone introduces their boyfriend or girlfriend and says "This is my partner mike" and you're thinking "You've had 5 kids and have been with him for 20 years, doesn't he deserve better acknowledgement"? Don't you think "Partner" sounds clinical, robotic and loveless?

I use boyfriend or girlfriend.

Which terms do you use and if it's oh or partner why do you use those terms rather than use boyfriend/girlfriend which sounds more loving and exclusive?

When did these phrase rear their heads anyway?


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I usually refer to my OH. as "my good lady" but partner or "other half" is also fine with me.
You're unusual, then JJ :-)

I do take issue with the suggestion that people are still only a half if their OH isn't - no, you are both individuals of equal merit, the OH is half your partnership, not two halves of one person.
Sex Doll for her, Big Boy for him or Stud Man.
Obiter - yes
Obiter - "Now that gay people can get married, how do they introduce their partners?

This is my husband? This is my wife?"

Yes, I believe that is the general form with civil partners.
I've always resented that the word "partner" has been hijacked simply for PC reasons.
I have a business partner. I've long given up on introducing him as "my partner".
The only alternatives are maybe, "the guy I work with", or "my mate" etc....

As for "girlfriend" being juvenile, well, yes it is, but if lucky enough to have some kind of relationship when older, then being juvenile is rather a part of the fun :o)
It really does depend on the circumstances. In formal settings, OH will introduce me as his wife, and vice versa. In casual interactions, I don't mind what he calls me - it's usually my name.
I too hate the 'other half' phrase - it seems so cloying and soft as though you can't stand on your own feet or exist as an entity on your own right.

The phrase I use is 'wife' or 'she who must be obeyed' if we're having a tiff - that always go down well!
How about 'The Memsahib'?
Very Colonial, obiter - tiffin, chinchin, dontcherknow?!
20 years ago or so I knew a chap who always referred to his wife in the bar as 'Madam Hussein'.
My Old Woman told me that my response to this particular question was that I call her my Wife, which I obviously obeyed!
Nobody over the age of 30 should use boyfriend or girlfriend. THAT makes me cringe. Those were words we used as kids or teenagers but grew out of in our 20s.
I call my OH, my OH! I don't think about it, worry about it or give it any thought, it just is !
I don't like the terms partner (makes you sound like you run a business together) or other half (I agree that it makes you sound less than whole as an individual).

Before Mr P and I married, I would refer to him as my bidie-in.

Someone on here (it escapes me at the moment who), calls the man in her life the Man-Slave. I like that.
Colonial ... we use the term "mufti" quite a lot.
2sp - I think that's NOM. China calls hers The Man Hostage.
2sp ... ChinaDoll and NoMercy both call their OH the "man slave"
Oh, yeah ... ummmm is right.
Poor 'Man Hostage'

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