I sent naked pics to my boyfriend of 2 years on his bday only to find out I actually sent them to another guy instead. Both my bf and the guy are saved with just first names in my phone. I don't know the guy that well and I'm embarrassed because they were very explicit and full frontal. And like showing off what I got and what not. He deleted them (I made sure) but I don't want him telling people details about what he saw... What should I say to him? Or should I have my boyfriend say something instead?
Do your boyfriend and the other guy know each other? If not forget about it.
If they do, and your BF finds out you sent the pics to the other guy, you can just say it was a mistake, which is true, of course?
It reminds of a comedy routine where the comedian (female) says that these naked selfies are like, back in the day before Internet, taking a Polaroid pic of yourself nude and posting it through someone's letterbox! We would never have done that. Why do you young kids do it?