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very tearful today !

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serendipity1 | 09:08 Wed 01st Nov 2006 | Relationships & Dating
39 Answers
have just finally after months put an end to a realtionship with someone who was basically using me , wed had a 5 month relationship which he ended , i was totally in love with him and so have been letting him come round on the odd occasion , im totally besotted and so when hes with me i am in heaven , when he leaves i am in tatters not knowing if im going to see him again, well ive done it today i wont be seeing him again and i am in pieces even though i know ive done the right thing ...need some cheering words or even funny ones!! thanks guys X


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Hey hun,

As you say, you know you're doing the right thing. You'll get through it and come out better on the other side. This kinda happened to me a few years back, he was blatantly using me for sex then bu**ered off with someone else but still kept hassling me. After it was all completely over and I had got over the heartache and gone off to uni he decided that actually he was in love with me!! Well I told him where to go!!
Whatever happens don't be tempted back. You are worth so much more than that and someone out there is waiting for you to come along. Big hugs xxx
Hi serendipity,

Sorry to hear that,but if you know it is for the best,them let go,I tell everybody "There is no future in the past" and you deserve better than to be used,nobody has the right to mess with your head, wish you good luck, Ray xx

not very cheering I know,
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its just nice to not feel alone today thanks loobie and ray xx
Me again,my best joke, please smile, nobody likes it.

What is Brown & Sticky ?

A stick, good eh ? oh well I like it, xx
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you plum ..i like silly ones too !! xx
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didnt mean the "you plum" bit in a horrible way!! x
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cool ray, loved the peanut one!! x
I don't mind being a plum,sounds good, you take care xx
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all i have to do now is break my texting thumb really i have been very weak willed i just need ot get the strength to not contact him !!!
Delete his number!! That's the only way you can gurantee that you won't text him!!
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ive done that , but i know his number i even told him not to text me anymore as i was giving my phone to my son as he had lost his but that didnt work either i really have been very weak i am absolutely besotted as ive said i feel strong some days and then i crave him badly its like an addiction ! silly moo eh? i think i need a drill sergeant or something you know like to slap me when im tempted ..haha!
Please don't go back,I know it is hard,but don't let him use you anymore, when you feel tempted come on here, allways someone here. xx
Well then you just have to be strong hun!! If you start to text him just scream at yourself out loud, clear the screen and put the phone down!! You'll manage hun, just be strong and keep telling yourself he's an arse, he's an arse!!!
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now im tearful cause your being nice! you are both right !
Hey Serendipity... this sounds really crap but it does work. Everytime you feel low just repeat in your head 'this time next year I won't feel this bad'.... sounds odd but it is some comfort and is also true.

In the mean time, just keep letting it out when you need do and don't close yourself off cause of a bad experience. The fact that you have the capacity to love is still something to feel joyful about.... even if it sucks big time at the moment!

Feel better xx
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thanks chinadoll , i am actually feeling better , felt like total s**t first thing when i made the decision but i am optimistic, i know he was an idiot and so was i for letting it happen , i know there are better men out there , thing is the ones my age are all taken. haha!! he was younger than me 30, never married no kids, not had a girlfriend in 5 years ,im nearly 40 so i should have known better eh?
Get you with your toyboys hun!! We're all allowed to have a bit of fun aren't we?? xx
Why should you have known better... you psychic or something?! Stop beating yourself up. Just remember the fun you had.

And someone will come along for you when you least expect it.... well that's what Ray says anyway ;0)
Plenty of 40 year old men about who are very nice and very single. My accountant has been looking for years for a nice girl he's about 40 , can't find one, just manipulative gold diggers, so they are about there for you, just wait and a nice one'll come along.
You've 100% done the right thing, hard as it is. Stay strong,keep the faith, when you are out the other side of it, you'll see that it's been an important learning curve and it'll make your next relationship better and stronger.
Cheer up lovely, it'll only get better:)

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