Dear zimzam,
I myself am an American. And your expectations of "please" and "thank you" and "have a nice day", etc. are right on target. Those of us who are raised properly by our parents and take our lessons to heart, believe in using the manners we were taught.
If a person in another country was gracious enough to spend time with me, and show me around his country, I would be thankful and I would say so loud and clear. When I returned to the States, he or she could expect a wonderful thank you letter and if I could still afford it after my trip, an AWESOME thank you gift as well.
Your expectations for politeness are perfectly reasonable. It isn't geographical or cultural or anything else. What you experienced was just plain bad manners on that person's part, unless they were never taught, and well, that would indicate simple ignorance. Unfortunate that you were subject to it. Allow me to apologize for Mr./Ms Inconsiderate, whatever the reason for the lack.
Also, let me say, on that peron's behalf, and on behalf of all Americans who feel as I do, thank you, gracious host, for showing one of ours a good time. And please don't let his or her rudeness speak for all Americans. The majority of us know how to use our manners and find it a pleasure to do so. Truly.
Have a wonderful day! :)
Peace, Love and Harmony to you and yours.....
foreverlove, USA