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Magic number....

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tiggertan | 05:09 Sat 07th Apr 2007 | Relationships & Dating
13 Answers
Sorry to ask but what do you think is an acceptable number of sexual partners for a 30 year old. Male, female or both? People I know vary hugely and just wanted a general census.
Muchos gracias.


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you mean all at once? I never could get more than eight in my bed without the legs collapsing.
Well I'm not giving my magic number away on the net but within my circle of friends

male 1: 14
male 2: 26 (could be lying)
male 3: 37 (again could be lying)
male 4: 1 (been with his childhood sweetheart forever)

female 1: 4
female 2: 12
female 3: 33
female 4: 11
At 30 and saying you have been sexually active since 16.

28 partners only averages out a 2 per year.
but that would mean you hadnt had a relationship for longer than a year, well not a monogamous one anway
I know....but I was averaging it out....I think a lot of people sleep with more than 2 people a year and have relationships in between.

I just think that 20-30 people for a 30 year old is not that excessive.
My ex told me he had slept with so many he couldnt remember. Bragger/liar ... And too much info!
just count the quality ones the others arnt worth counting
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Thanks all, I know people who's real number is in the 20's and 30's. One of whom is in his first actual 'relationship'. He's my cousin's bloke and she says she can't feel 'special' and 'respected' as he was so promiscuous. They've been together 2 years and they have talked about it. She just asked me to get some opinions.
Thanks again!
If they've been together 2 years, that sounds pretty special by his standards, and suggests that he has indeed done a lot of shopping around before settling on the one he wants. I would have thought that was quite a good sign for your cousin.
Why after 2 years is this bothering her now. Has she only just found out about his past?
you could be really radical and say ONE, the person we marry!!!! LIke my husband and I, who have been married 17 years and have had each other as our one and only partners.
Well im not giving out my number, but as Kate said, here r some of my mates:
All Females:
Age 27, roughly 37
age 24: way over 100
Age 23: about 24
Age 23: about 10
age 23: about 20

About 102, honest lol. Some names I remember and some I don't. Im male (38) and don't see it as anything to brag about, some I had feelings for some I didn't but as long as you are both safe and consenting who cares? I'm with a long term partner now and wouldn't dream of asking her about her past as I might not like what I heard back lol.

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