I just can't believe that a lot of posts on here are not tongue in cheek, no pun intended. What type of person wants to talk about her boyfriends erection or lack of it. It's got to be a joke. Is it me just being cynical or what.
protective anonimity does not condone stupid postings. You must admit 90% of postings are a joke. C'mon for gawds sake are you serious about discussing your boyfriends shortcomings,(oops) to relative strangers.
that why its easeir here - cuz no one knows who i am or who he is so it was advice i was after. if 90% are a joke then why some on here ? You can read the first couple of lines of the pst so if your not interested then dont click on it!! And yes some postingd sre funny and random and strange bu they make me laugh and pass the time when stuck in work. I purposefully dont go to certain sections as they dont interest me - why are you reading these if they annoy you? I was simply looking for some suggestions - which some peoplle kindly gave me.
Well for me, I would rather read a post where there is a problem and be able to give what I think is a good answer than read a post about how to 'chat up a goat' or 'what is your favourite colour'.