quick question, my new boyf is 6"5. I'm not (5"9, little short man).
It's kinda wigging me out a little but he thinks Im being ridiculous as he doesn't see it as an issue. Anyone got a tall/short thing going on and does it work? Am I setting myself up for lots of little and large jokes? Am I gonna as be seen as his wife?
It's not an issue, plenty of couples have a height difference. I imagine your new boyf will have this problem with most people he meets so give him a break!
I'm sure some people will crack the jokes but this will wear off and anyway, take no notice of them!
my bloke is taller I love it, makes me feel looked after and I think its cute when he calls me shorty. :-) But I guess its different for a bloke to be shortest.
Can't quite get over a guy being shorter than myself, somehow, I think 4get has said it - I like a guy to be taller than me as it makes me feel secure and looked after and i like a guy to be in control if you see what i mean.....
An ex of mine was 6' 7" and I am 5'3"! I like taller men, but maybe that was a bit much...
If you like him, try not to let it bother you - the height difference isn't that huge. As CheekyChops says, take no notice of comments. People will soon find something else to talk about.
Speaking as a tall woman (5ft 11ins), I only ever went out with one man who was smaller than me, I didnt like it and we got lots of comments which were quite hurtful so needless to say the relationship didnt last long and I have always been out with taller men since!