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Should I get engaged

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smrcubby | 14:33 Thu 02nd Aug 2007 | Relationships & Dating
5 Answers
I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and he wants to get engaged. I'd love too aswell.. there is a BUT
I am still married, although officially separated for five and half years.

I know it's not illegal but just sounds a bit strange.

Appreciate other opionions pls!


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I think it's completely up to you, if you want to get engaged that's your business, noy anyone elses who may think it's indecent or something if you are still officially married.

If you felt weird though I'm sur you could hold out for your divorce if you'd feel happier that way.
Hmmm, 3 years of seeing someone else and your still married???
Surely you must have to get divorced before you get married again!
I dont think you should get engaged until you sort out your other issues really.
It seems your morals are low priority, so i dont know why your asking peoples opinions really because your probably only gonna ignore any comments you dont really want to hear.
But, i am pretty old fashioned and like to do things properly.
many more will disagree with me...

You can still get engaged when you are still married but seperate.
My ex did only 1 year after splitting up with me. I thought at first to be honest it was stupid but its only being engaged you can always plan a wedding for a few years time but hoping by then you would be divorced, assuming you are getting divorced? then maybe that would be a different storey.
my fiance's x wife got engaged 2 weeks after they split up , she got pregnant by her new bloke so got engaged, took them 2 years to get married
People usually get engaged as a precursor to getting married, its a mini commitment and a time to prepare for the wedding. I think that you do not really feel right about it or you would not be asking this question. It could take a year or more to get a divorce and who knows what sort of strain and problems that might put on you. Also you are still married and although you are not together you are not really free in the same way as you would be if divorced - and who knows you might feel very different then. So I would say, get a divorce and then get engaged with a bit of a breathing space in between - and perhaps by asking you your partner is saying it is about time you got the ball rolling, after all it can't be very nice for him to know you are someone else's wife even if it is in name only. Also if anything happened to any of you it would all be a legal mess as things might not go to the people they should.

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