Moving on from lost love?
What do you do, when you find that your asking yourself everyday how a relationship may have turned out and your re-living moments of it from years ago in your head, like on playback and wish you could just rewind time and snatch one more moment with that person!
I got married very young and surprise, surprise it did not work, I am now living with my partner of three and a half years but feel like i'm suffocating! I'm twenty six now and between my marriage and my current partner, I met a man who just seemed to take me away from the reality of life, I have never experienced anything like it, but I could be in a room or a club and he would be the only person in there, the only person I could see! He was approaching thirty though and I was twenty two and still a little wet behind the ears and did not have the grasp and understanding of life I have now. I was jealous of his female friends-sad I know! Its the age old I wish I knew then what I know now! I have looked for him, but the last I heard he was jetting off to Australia, I doubt he has given me a second thought! I get so frustrated with myself though, because its only now i'm older I understand the things he wanted and was talking to me about! I just wish I could have met him now and would be able to talk to him, I understand the complexties of life now and am not that young girl anymore! I know i'll never find him now though and i'm sure hes happily married etc, I just wish I didn't think daily about "what if", beacuse it just drags me down and i've felt like this for about four years now! My friends say people are in the past for a reason and everything happens for a reason! I understand that, but at the same time, I wish I could just snatch one last moment in time with him - sad I know!