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Was I right?

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Shirl | 23:38 Mon 19th Nov 2007 | Relationships & Dating
27 Answers
Have been on a site for a while, its a friends/dating one. Had this chap messaging me. He is married, so I told him, I would rather not chat to a married man. I thought it unfair to his wife, even though the messages totally innocent.

He says I should be able to talk to anyone I want. If not I will live my life within 4 walls and never meet anyone. He said it was "useful advice"!

I didn't reply to that message. But was he right?



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You don't need to go looking, Shirl. If you're meant to meet someone, you will - so all the best. x
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thanks Ice Maiden x
As long as he is not as old or doesn't look as old as dr spock, I think you should try and be good friends with him, ... get to know hm (if he'll let you) before you decide.
yes he's right he can speak to who he likes, but so can you and you didnt want to speak to him. Question is its not a chat room, he's on a dating site!!
Have to agree with the previous answers.

His 'friendly advice' - is there another kind? - is a response to your attitude concerning his marital status, which is entirely your choice and your right.

Perhaps he feels a little guilt, and as such he feels peeved that you have decided to opt out of an on-line reletaionship with him, so he felt the need to have a pop at your insecurity.

Ignore him. This man does not know you, and is obviously not qualified to make such suggesttions - 'friendly' or otherwise.

You can pick and choose how you live your life on a dating site, he, by defintion, cannot.
one thing you can guess for sure is that he will keep trying it on people until someone says yes...
Well done you . Seeing as I am going through a divorce due to an innocent come in for a chat. I admire you for knowing where it could lead to.

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