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bit embarrased!!

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bantingm | 14:43 Fri 24th Oct 2008 | Relationships & Dating
27 Answers
my boyfriend likes to hear of stories (mostly when drunk) about me and other women, so i tell him in great detail to keep him happy. however i do find myself feeling quite turned on by the thought of definatly not gay but why do i want a womenly experience?!?! i had one at a very young age with my best friend, which was all a bit fumbly and stupid, and when i think of that now i cant help but laugh... does this make me different?! whould i be worried!?!


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IMOA?? Sorry I don't do peasantly dyke textspeak. ps Are you fat and ugly with a pierced eyebrow and a hatred of men?
A lot of guys like to fantasize about girl on girl action, but it's never a good idea to turn it into a reality. A third or more person in a relationship never works out, whichever gender joins in, and if the fantasy becomes real, most guys take a pretty dim view of their partner afterwards.

im off to more interesting threads mr rock lol

youre more than welcome to join

See knew you were!! Maybe you should all get together and have a 3some.
awfully slow

i rest my case rock
Sgt Rock they frighten you don't they.

Never mond JoggerJayne send me your number.

Jayne I'll have yours as well :-D
Is it me or is Sgt.Rock a complete TW@T!!!!!!

His replys were tedious.

Big YAWN...

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bit embarrased!!

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