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Ex girlfriend

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stevieweevie | 15:30 Mon 17th May 2010 | Relationships & Dating
20 Answers
HI all
any advise appreciated, I was on and off with this girl, for about seven years, we would break up, then get back together for a few weeks, or even months, and then it would go pear shapped for no reason.

I'm not putting the blame on her or myself, and its not like we where horrible people, we just didn't really connect if I'm honest anywhere except in the bedroom, which was fantastic.

Now we have split up properly, and I heard the other day that she was ingaged to someone I dont know, but the thought of it is driving me a bit mad, I've never really been the jelouse type, but I can't get this one out of my head, anyone going through the same B**lsh**t?


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You arent my ex are you?? Although I am no engaged you sound so much like he was. Me and him were on and off for about 10 years, he just wouldnt evere commit. So in the end I thought I deserved more and cut off all ties. I got with my bloke and my ex followed me, txt me, etc said he'd changed wanted to make a go of things. Now 3 years on I'm still with my bloke. My ex is living with his pregnant girlfriend and still sleeping around. He was never going to change. he just didnt like me being happy. I think this is the thing with you, you wouldnt commit 'it was just sex' and now she is settled you arent jelous of she has someone else, you dont want her at all, you just dont want someone having a better life with her and the one you couldnt give her.
My Ex went a bit round the bend when I got with my current partner. Seriously unhinged....
Sorry mate, it looks like that boat has sailed. Suck it up and move on, she has. problem.

Find another woman as a sort of locum whilst your ex gets married and then start up the relationship again.
Nothing like "having it off" with a married woman and then she will realise what a mistake she has made.
You are in clover mate.
Getting back together for a few weeks doesn't make it a relationship. It was friends with benefits. Are you worried you've lost your shag?
Steve, try or
These will suffice until you have trapped the next fluff buddy and then fallen in love.
Jesus, lads of today.....
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Ouch!!!!!, I did try to make things work for us, but she always seemed to be looking for something better, who knows maybe shes found it, any way thanks for the Lashing!!!

Oh and 4getmenot, definately no!!!

and Ummmm, definately yes!!!
Ummm, can we compare psycho ex's?
When I cleaned my car on Sunday I found (under the inch of road grime) that someone has keyed it. Now considering the car is either parked on a secure base, or in a private driveway I can't see it being kids, I reckon this could be the crazy shouting ex
sorry bob
Was it you 4get??? I didn't even realise we'd gotten jiggy. I must have been Sugar

You must forgive Bob.......he's in love and.................ssssschhhh..... a bit frustrated, mate :0(
It's just you wanting the 'unobtainable'. Grass is greener, stolen sugar and all that - You had all your chances and now it's gone. Time to move on. You really can't base a relationship solely on sex, no matter how good it is.
Yogi, thats so not true, I got some last night.
(Unfortunately I was on my own at the time)
merciasounds is right stevieweevie, move on as she needs to be a good cook as well as a good fwk ! :-)'ll go blind, mate :0)
It's not true that making love to yourself screws your eyesight up, it 's a common misconcep........wait a minute it's gone dark in here.....Yogi, is that you mate....OMFG I'M BLIND Helppppppp Meeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
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Thanks all, nothing if not entertaining!!! I will jump back on the saddle and ride! Yehaa!
well in the meantime you could always make love to yourself as bob does
Sorry about that, we had a powercut. I'm not blind, although no more winking at work!

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